First day!

A photo so awesome that the Internet won't even load it!

Did I forgot to mention that I’m not a good photographer? This ought to make it really appealing.

Here’s the thing about this blog – it will function as a log for the challenge. Chances are, without this I would mess up the whole thing in two weeks (still might! Never know!). I’d end up skipping a day for some weird reason. Then on the next day I would do the double amount to compensate. Then I would feel guilt that I’ve secretly cheated and failed and give up on the whole thing. With this, something might still happen, but at least I have an additional incentive to engage – to share with others!

October will count only with some mild challenges, they are not the ones that made me dive into this experience, but it’s a way to get used to the blog (that at the time of this post is still half empty, but as I get more used to it I will upgrade it’s contents).

On a side note. I really don’t like the word challenge here. Gives it a daring connotation. It’s not about having to do something – it’s about wanting to experience something different!

See you tomorrow!

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